Advanced Captivate 2019

2 days

Course Description

This class is a continuation of the concepts covered in Introduction to Captivate 2019. In this course you will fine-tune those concepts by learning about object styles, master slides, themes and advanced actions. You will be able to personalize your presentations with variables and branching scenarios that will help decide the best path for the learner. You will learn to make your presentations Section 508-compliant with accessibility text and closed captions. Finally, you will learn how to transform your presentations from eLearning to mLearning (mobile learning).


Who Should Use Captivate?

Corporate training professionals, educators, instructional designers, and all types of business users with limited programming capabilities who want to create product demos, application simulations, soft skill and compliance training, and mobile learning. Also educators and trainers who are currently using PowerPoint and need to add interactivity to their training materials.

Course Outline

Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

Software Simulations & Caption Pre-Editing

  • Rehearsing a Script,
  • Setting Recording Preferences
  • Recording a Simulation
  • Editing Text Capture Templates
  • Export and Import of Project Preferences

Object Styles and Branching

  • Updating, Resetting, and Replacing Styles
  • Creating New Styles
  • Using the Object Style Manager
  • Exporting and Importing Object Styles
  • Using Find and Replace with Objects and Styles
  • Using the Copy and Paste Appearance Commands
  • Copying and Pasting Project Assets
  • Using Buttons to Create a Branch
  • Naming Slides for Branching
  • Exploring the Branching View
  • Creating Branch Groups
  • Editing Links in the Branching View

Variables and Widgets

  • Adding Project Information
  • Inserting System Variables
  • Editing System Variables
  • Creating User Variable
  • Use a Variable to Gather Learner Data

Interactive Videos and Virtual Reality

  • Inserting an Interactive Video
  • Creating Bookmarks
  • Adding Project Links to Bookmarks
  • Adding Slide Overlays
  • Creating a Virtual Reality Project
  • Navigating a Virtual Reality Project
  • Adding Slides to a Virtual Reality Project
  • Adding Text Hotspots
  • Recoloring Hotspots
  • Adding Audio Hotspots
  • Adding Quizzes to Virtual Reality Projects


  • Inserting Learning Interactions
  • Accordion Widget
  • Tab Widget
  • Process Widget
  • Timeline Widget
  • Timer Widget
  • Creating a Drag and Drop Interaction
  • Managing Drag and Drop Buttons
  • Creating a Reset Interaction Slide
  • Exploring Advanced Drag and Drop Interactions
  • Creating an Advanced Drag and Drop Interaction
  • Creating and Changing States
  • Swapping Images in States


  • Setting Document Information
  • Enabling Accessibility
  • Adding Accessibility Text to Slides
  • Adding Accessibility Text to Images
  • Importing Slide Audio
  • Using Shortcut Keys
  • Adding and Editing Closed Captions
  • Setting Slide Tab Order

Advanced Actions Project

  • Viewing a completed Project
  • Naming Objects
  • Creating Masks
  • Controlling Object Visibility
  • Creating Standard Actions
  • Creating Advanced Actions
  • Copying and Pasting Action Steps
  • Grouping Timeline Objects
  • Using and Creating Variables
  • Creating a Conditional Action
  • Using Decision Blocks

Master Slides and Project Templates

  • Viewing Master Slides
  • Applying Master Slides
  • The Main Master Slide
  • Working with Content Masters
  • Applying Master Slides to Filmstrip Slides
  • Editing a Content Master Slide
  • Applying a Theme
  • Editing a Theme
  • Creating a Custom Theme
  • Reviewing a Template
  • Creating a Project Based on a Template
  • Creating Project Templates

Responsive Projects

  • Reviewing a Responsive Project
  • Customizing Breakpoints
  • Converting a Standard Project to Responsive
  • Creating a Responsive Project
  • Using the Position Inspector
  • Modifying Single Breakpoints
  • Exclude Objects from View
  • Adding New Breakpoints
  • Enabling Smart Positioning for Objects
  • Editing Breakpoint Object Styles
  • Converting to a Fluid Box Project
  • Horizontal Fluid Box layout
  • Vertical Fluid Box layout
  • Creating and Naming Fluid Boxes
  • Resizing Fluid Boxes
  • Adding Content to Fluid Boxes
  • Enabling Wrap Point for Fluid Boxes

Reporting Quiz Results

  • Configuring a Project to Report to an LMS
  • Quiz Reporting Options
  • Creating Manifest Files
  • Self Paced Learning Option
  • Reporting Button Interactions
  • View and Edit Button Interactions
  • Adjusting Slide Object Interactions
  • Previewing in SCORM Cloud
  • Publishing a Content Package
  • Viewing the Content Package
  • Uploading a Content Package to an LMS