Advanced Adobe After Effects CC
Select a date to register.
- Online Training
- $795.00
- Thursday, May 22, 2025 (Guarantee to Run )
- Thursday, July 24, 2025
- Thursday, September 25, 2025
Course Description
In this 2-day advanced course designed for videographers, graphic artists, and animators with experience using Adobe After Effects, the standard for motion graphics and compositions in the TV and film industries, you will learn to incorporate text, graphics, and effects into your movies. Upon completion of this course, you will have an excellent understanding of the menu and tools in After Effects, and you'll be able to use the program with a high level of efficiency.
Who Should Attend
Video and animation professionals who need an advanced understanding of Adobe After Effects.
- Practical working knowledge of computers and basic Mac OS X or Windows skills.
- Introduction to Adobe After Effects class or equivalent experience.
- Intermediate Adobe After Effects class or equivalent experience.
- Photoshop Fundamentals: An Introduction to Photoshop or equivalent experience recommended.
Instructor in Action
Course Outline:
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Lesson 1: 3-D Space
- 3-D and Z Space Basics
- Choosing the 3D render engine
- Creating 3D Layers
- Mixing 2D and 3D layers
- Using the 3D Gizmo
- Rotation and Orientation in 3D
- Offsetting the Anchor Point in 3D
- Using Multiple Views
- Camera and Orthogonal views
- Using Local, World, and View Axis Modes
- Previewing in 3D
- Using Auto Orient
- Using Parenting with 3D layers
- Using the CINEMA 4D Render Engine
- Layer Geometry options
- Extruding Text and Shapes in After Effects
Lesson 2: Lighting in 3-D
- Lighting basics
- Creating Lights
- Working with Spot, Parallel, Point, and Ambient Lights
- Layer Material Property Light Options
- Creating and managing shadows
- Using Light Falloff
- Layer Material Light Options
- Using Light Transmission
- Creating Gels and Gobos
- Using Parenting with Lights
- Using Adjustment Lights
Lesson 3: Cameras
- Camera basics and creation
- Creating One-node cameras
- Creating Two-node cameras
- Editing between multiple cameras
- Moving a Camera with the Universal, Position, and Rotation Tools
- Using multiple Composition Window Views in 3D
- Using the Orbit, Pan, and Dolly tools to control views
- Orbit, Pan, and Dolly tool options
- Using the Create Camera from 3D view command
- Animating Cameras
- Using the Camera Tools to animate the Camera in Active Camera view
- Auto-Orienting Camera Paths
- Auto-Orienting Layers to the Look at the Camera
- Using the Look at Selected Layers command to animate a Camera
- Using and animating Zoom and Depth of Field
- Using Parenting with Cameras
Lesson 4: Working with AE Cinema 4-D Lite
- Introduction to Cinema 4- D Lite
- Cinema 4-D User Interface
- Cinema 4-D Project Setup
- Creating Shapes and Text Objects
- Extruding Objects
- Adding Lighting and Textures
- Previewing Options
- Animating and Keyframing Basics
- Creating Cameras and Lights
- Using the Cineware Plugin in After Effects
- Importing Cinema 4-D models
Lesson 5: 3-D Camera Tracker
- About the 3-D Camera Tracker effect
- Tracking the footage
- Creating a Ground Plane, a Camera, and the initial Text
- Integrate the text to the scene
- Precomposing an Image to a Plane with a Solid or Null
- Parenting an Image to a Plane with a Solid or Null
- Creating realistic shadows
- Adding an Ambient Light
- Adding Effects
Lesson 6: Content Aware Fill
- Setting up Content Aware Fill
- Creating and Tracking a Mask
- Setting options in the Content Aware Panel
- Object removal
- Surface removal
- Edge Blend
- Creating the fill layer
- Using Adobe Photoshop with Content Aware Fill
Lesson 7: Particles and Simulation Effects
- Introduction to Particles and Simulation Effects
- Working with Particle Playground
- Options for the Cannon, Grid, and Layer Exploder
- Producer
- Physics
- Particle
- Using Cycore Particle World and Particle Systems 2
- Integrating particles with video
- Using Particle and Simulation Effects for Track Mattes
Lesson 8: Useful Simulation Effects
- Shatter
- Pixel Polly
- Rain
- Snowfall
- Drizzle
- Mr. Mercury
- Caustics
- Introduction to Adobe After Effects3 days
- Intermediate Adobe After Effects2 days
- Advanced Adobe After Effects CC2 days
- After Effects with Mocha1 day
- Visual Effects and Finishing for Editors: Boris FX for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro2 days
- After Effects Master Class7 days
- Webinar: What’s New in After Effects CC